The Parliament Choir: Harmony in Westminster

New Palace Yard

parliament has a choir?


The Parliament Choir welcomes as a member anyone who works at the UK Parliament - Members, their staff, and parliamentary officials. We rehearse on Monday evenings, when the Houses of Parliament are sitting, usually in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft off Westminster Hall.  






This year, the choir is celebrating it's Silver Jubilee. We started the celebrations with a memorable performance of the Beethoven Missa Solemnis at the Royal Festival Hall in June. 

On Wednesday 27 November, the choir will be performing Handel's Messiah (the first work that we performed 25 years ago) in Smith Square Hall (formerly St John's Smith Square). Tickets are now available from their website

We are expecting a sell out so book your tickets now!


The Parliament Choir usually performs three or four concerts a year in various venues in London, and occasionally elsewhere in the UK and abroad. You can see information about our past concerts here.

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Would you like to support the Parliament Choir and its assistance to young musicians?


The Parliament Choir is a registered charity (1085042). It promotes choral singing and supports young musicians. We would particularly welcome corporate sponsorship for the Choir or for individual performances. 

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Parliament Choir